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Professional Lands Management Certificate Program

As a Regional Lands Association, the FNLMAQL supports NALMA in its goal of training and certifying land managers in our region. The Professional Lands Management Certification is two-part training program designed to help train land managers on the daily tasks and programs while using Indigenous knowledge and experience.

NALMA states that:

In order to implement the Reserve Land and Environment Management Program (RLEMP), NALMA in collaboration with INAC and subject matter experts developed the Professional Lands Management Certification Program (PLMCP). NALMA’s PLMCP is used across Canada to signify that a Land Manager meets specific criteria, keeps current in the field, and adheres to a professional Code of Ethics. It represents both an achievement and a responsibility for the individual Land Manager.

NALMA has partnered with Algoma University (Ontario), University of Saskatchewan, Université du Québec en Abitibi-Témiscamingue (Quebec), and Vancouver Island University (British Columbia) to host the Level One programming for the PLMCP course.  The most recent parternship with UQAT now allows for students to take the Level One PLCMP course in French.

Following the completion, students will move on to the Technical Training program through NALMA. The Level II program is a hybrid course offered in both English and French. Click here to view the Level II program description.  After a Land Manager successfully completing Level I: Post-Secondary Training and Level II: Technical Trainingwill be eligible to receive a Professional Lands Management Certification certificate from NALMA.


NALMA is currently accepting registration from both Levels One and Two in English, as well as its Level One program in French, with the Université du Québec à Témiscamingue.

Financing is currently available for both programs. For more information on accessing funding, please contact RLEMP (at)

For more information on the English program, please visit NALMA’s website

For more information about the French Level 1 PLMCP, visit their website. For questions about the Program, please contact Francis Levesquehere. 




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